Sugata Shinya

殺人3件の裁判員裁判、都内の事件は無罪判決 仙台地裁
Murder Charge: Not Guilty
10th Ruling of Not Guilty under the mixed jury system.
Man found innocent of murder as juvenile in resumed lay judge trial.
Charged with crime 12 years after the incident
(Mainichi Japan) September 2, 2011

SENDAI (Kyodo) -- A 32-year-old man was found not guilty Thursday of committing murder when he was a juvenile at a lay judge trial at the Sendai District Court that resumed with newly appointed lay judges after suspension due to the March 11 earthquake and tsunami.

Presiding Judge Nobuyuki Suzuki handed down the not guilty ruling on the man for whom prosecutors had sought 13 years in prison on charges of killing a gang member at an apartment house in Tokyo in January 1999.

The not guilty ruling was the 10th in the lay judge trial system launched in May 2009 and the third in cases involving murder and robbery-murder charges, according to the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office.

In most of the trial sessions at the court, the lay judges viewed DVD recordings of the questioning on witnesses and the defendant before the trial was suspended.

In handing down the ruling, the presiding judge said statements given by Tomoyuki Sasamoto, 37, who was convicted as an accomplice, were unreliable as they contained many unreasonable points.

At a press conference held after the ruling, one of the lay judges said it was difficult for him to judge without clear evidence after having viewed the DVDs for as long as 16 hours.

The defendant was indicted on charges of conspiring with others including Sasamoto to kill Atsushi Uchida, then 31, by beating him with an iron pipe and strangling him with a rope.
His defense lawyers said he was not involved in the murder and did not know of a plot to kill the man.


殺人事件で無罪判決 仙台地裁、震災で中断し裁判員交代



 99年に東京都中野区で暴力団組員の男性(当時31歳)を殺害したとして殺人罪に問われた仙台市青葉区の無職男性(32=事件当時は少年)の裁判 員裁判で、仙台地裁は1日、無罪(求刑・懲役13年)を言い渡した。共犯とされた笹本智之受刑者(37)=別事件で無期懲役が確定=の証言の信用性が争点 となり、鈴木信行裁判長は判決で「多数の不自然な点があり信用できない」と述べた。
 殺人事件の裁判員裁判の無罪判決は3件目。男性は99年1月、笹本受刑者らと共謀し組員を殺害したとして起訴された。客観的証拠はなく、受刑者の 証言を基に検察側は「2段ベッド下段で寝ていた被害者を襲い、男性が首を絞め、別の男が鉄パイプで殴った」などと主張。だが判決は、こうした狭い場所での 犯行は「不可能とは言えないが、不自然さが残る」などと退けた。
 男性の公判は東日本大震災で中断され、裁判員を選び直して再開、中断前の審理をDVDで視聴する異例の経過をたどり、受刑者への尋問の機会はな かった。判決後の会見で裁判員の男性(50代)は「16時間もDVDを視聴し疲れた。証人(受刑者)にじかに質問する機会がほしかった」と話した。
毎日新聞 201191日 2026分(最終更新 91日 2127分)