Tsuchiya Kazuya

Man sentenced to death for murdering 2 people in Maebashi

July 20, 2016 (Mainichi Japan)

MAEBASHI -- The Maebashi District Court on July 20 handed the death sentence to a 27-year-old man accused of the murder and robbery of two people and injuring another in 2014.

Presiding Judge Hideyuki Suzuki concluded that Maebashi resident Kazuya Tsuchiya had strong murderous intent and that the crime was premeditated. "It was a persistent, cruel and indiscriminate crime, and had a strong impact on society," the judge said as he handed down the ruling. The defense counsel immediately appealed the ruling to a higher court.

A key point of contention during the lay judge trial was how Tsuchiya's personality disorder influenced his behavior, in addition to whether he had murderous intent.

Pointing out that Tsuchiya stabbed and beat the victims several times in the head and other parts of their bodies with a weapon he had prepared in advance, Presiding Judge Suzuki concluded that the defendant had definite intent to murder the victims.

Suzuki also touched on Tsuchiya's upbringing -- entering a children's home at the age of 4, repeatedly changing jobs after graduating from high school and becoming heavily indebted. While expressing sympathy with Tsuchiya over his personality disorder affected by his unfortunate upbringing, the judge determined that his condition had nothing to do with his crime.

Tsuchiya was diagnosed with a personality disorder after a psychiatric evaluation was conducted on him to check for any circumstances that could be taken into account in handing down the ruling against him.

According to the ruling, Tsuchiya sneaked into the home of Yoshie Kojima, 93, in Maebashi on Nov. 10, 2014, killed her and stole some 7,000 yen in cash. On Dec. 16 of that year, Tsuchiya stole two apples from the home of Tanekichi Kawaura, 81, in Maebashi, and stabbed his wife as he tried to steal money, leaving her with serious injuries. He then fatally stabbed Kawaura, the court found.

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時事通信 720()1116分配信

 前橋市で2014年、高齢者の男女3人が相次いで殺傷された事件で、強盗殺人罪などに問われた無職土屋和也被告(27)の裁判員裁判の判決が20日、前橋地裁であった。  鈴木秀行裁判長は「強固な殺意に基づく執拗(しつよう)で残虐な殺害方法。死刑をもって臨むことはやむを得ない」などと述べ、求刑通り死刑を言い渡した。無期懲役が相当としていた弁護側は、即日控訴した。  検察側は、土屋被告は凶器や侵入するための道具を準備し、家人に見つかった場合は殺害も想定していたと計画性を指摘していた。  鈴木裁判長は「不十分ながらも殺害の計画性を有していた」と認定。「被告の生命軽視の態度の表れで、厳しい非難は免れない」と述べた。  弁護側は、被告の発達障害などが影響した突発的犯行で、殺害までは計画していなかったと主張したが、同裁判長は「強盗殺人という犯行を決意したのは障害の影響によるものとみるべきではない」と退けた。  判決などによると、土屋被告は141110日、前橋市内の無職小島由枝さん=当時(93)=方に侵入し、小島さんを包丁で数回刺すなどして殺害し、 現金約5000円などを奪った。同年1216日には同市内の無職川浦種吉さん=当時(81)=方に侵入。川浦さんを包丁で刺して殺害し、妻二美江さん 82)の胸などを刺して重傷を負わせた。